Novice Surfer

Nine Things Every Novice Surfer Needs to Know.

We want you to learn not just how to surf but also knowledge about surfing that will help you get started since entering the world of surfing can be a challenging but rewarding learning experience.

Nine Things Every Novice Surfer Needs to Know.

We have all had this feeling at some point while venturing out for the first time. It’s crucial to have knowledge of the facts before venturing out or learning to surf.

Surfing Is A Way Of Life, Not A Sport.

Now, I’m not suggesting that surfing shouldn’t be recognized as a sport or included in the forthcoming Olympic games. On the contrary, it should be. Surfers and athletes in the surfing community will, however, concur that, unlike other sports, you don’t just conclude a game or an event and call it a day.


Although this phrase is related to many other sports, surfing is renowned as a way of life. Whether you’re a competitive surfer or a recreational rider, you choose to go out, to go in the icy water, and to ride and compete. Surfing is unique.

Make Time For It, You’ll Need It.

It may sound funny to say, yet surfing is one of the world’s most complicated sports. Ride in, paddle out. Just not that simple.


It’s not simple to catch that wave, read the tides and swell to judge whether a wave is heading your way and worth your time, whether you’re a novice or an expert surfer.

Fitness, Balance, And Motion

It’s really uncommon to see someone who isn’t fit out on the waves, which shows how important fitness is to surfing. The surfing lifestyle is usually a more healthy choice and involves hard labor.


Being physically healthy is a major benefit while surfing since a stronger core will reflect in your balance and mobility. Surfing is lot simpler if you know how to position your body, bend your knees and back, and rapidly push up.

An Understanding Of Water Flow And Waves

Surfers use a variety of phrases to describe various elements of surfing and waves. Your learning process will be much facilitated if you comprehend them.


Start by never looking at the beach; instead, always face the horizon, which is where the waves are coming from. It is simpler to stare directly ahead than behind you.

Avoid Ignorance.

Surfing is one of the riskiest sports in the world, that much is certain. You don’t really appreciate the risks until you have your first big wipeout, the sort that continues pushing you underneath and won’t let you surface while forcing you into combative positions along the ocean bottom.


When it comes to surfing, ignorance should not be taken lightly since waves may cause major harm because they are not only strong but also swift.

Know The Laws In Your Area.

Knowing these regulations is crucial for both your safety and how much fun you have when surfing. There are innate, daily rules that are part of the sport.


Nothing is worse than being on the waves and receiving verbal abuse or yelling for approaching someone; trust me, you’ll know what you’ve done when you do it.

Select The Correct Surfboard.

One of the most crucial elements of surfing is your board. When you become one, you depend on it for speed, stability, and dependability in addition to helping you catch waves. For 95% of riders, learning on a shortboard is not recommended. So, always check the surfboard features.


A fun board is often the greatest choice for a novice. A funboard’s longer, broader, and lighter body will make learning easy for the vast range of waves, from little to enormous.

Never Travel Without A Leg/Surf Leash.

A leg rope is a crucial component of your board—something no one ever tells you—and a high-quality leg rope is even more crucial.


In addition, leg ropes come in a variety of sizes. As a general guideline, your leg rope should be equal to or slightly longer than the length of your board. They are also available in standard and competitive styles, with regular being thicker and giving less drag.

Attire Yourself As If You Are A Pro.

Don’t look foolish; instead, visit your neighborhood surf store and get a suitable wetsuit. They keep you warm, reduce rashes, and are really comfy.

Final thoughts

As a beginner, you have to follow several rules and tips. Because surfing is a thing that has no fixed lessons. You have to give your full focus and attention to every step you make.

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