Confluence Features

5 Key Confluence Features You Should Know About

About Confluence Software

Before we dive into telling you about the various features in Confluence software we want to tell you about the software itself so you have an idea what it is about. The software has hundreds of thousands users around the world who attest to the software’s greatness. The software has been around for a couple of years and has since then made quite a name for itself.

In this post, we will be giving you a detailed review of Confluence software and help you figure out whether or not this software is the right call for you and your needs. If you are wondering whether to invest in Confluence software then keep reading because we are going to tell you everything you need to know about this software. From features in the software which are popular to details about Confluence pricing. If you have been considering this software then keep reading because we will help you figure out whether or not the software is right for you!

Key Confluence Features

Templates Made Easy

The first feature in Confluence software we want to talk about is the templates software. The software has a great selection of pre-made templates you can choose from. This means that you do not have to worry about anything because you are essentially able to explore and choose from a variety of pre-made templates which makes it so much easier for you to plan your project. With a template, all you need to do is input the details of your project and not have to worry about anything else since you do not have to construct the planning template from scratch which not only helps you save time but also allows you to plan projects a lot better.

Comments and Suggestions

The next feature in Confluence project management for small businesses we want to tell you about is the comments and suggestions feature which is an amazing addition and a great tool for any business that is working on a project together. The feature allows you to really simplify collaboration because everyone on the team can upload their work on the software and then allow their team members to view the work submitted. This helps keep everyone on the team on the same page because everyone knows what work has been done and what is still left. This really allows you and your team to work in a cohesive manner. The comments feature further allows better collaboration between team members because it allows for team members to leave comments about the work submitted and essentially provide feedback which is very helpful. In the past what would have been a long meeting turns into a mere comment which saves time quite a lot!


Another feature we feel the need to mention is the analytics feature in Confluence software. This feature essentially allows you and your team to make sure you are able to know what your performance on a project is like objectively. This is because you are able to get a report on the performance you and your team have shown on the project. This means you get a progress update and also get an idea about whether the project can be completed on time. All in all, this feature really allows you to save a lot of time and money!


The next feature in Confluence software we want to tell you about is the notifications feature which is often overlooked but in our opinion is incredibly important! The feature essentially keeps you and your team on the same page about work and ensures that work is done on time. The feature sends you notifications for work which is due or comments you are tagged in so that you can get on top of what is required of you right away. This feature really ensures you always keep on track and helps you and your team submit an entire project on time!

Version History

The version history feature is one that you might not think about more than once but honestly, it can be a life saver. When you are working on a project with a client, and have to get every update approved by the client, this feature can come in super handy. This is because, if you make an update to the project that the client does not like, you can simply revert back to the last version of the project which the client liked. This helps you to ensure that you have all the project history with you and can revert back to an older version if the newer version of the project plan is not right for your needs!

Confluence Pricing

Now we come to another important aspect of deciding whether a software is right for you; Confluence pricing. In terms of pricing, the software employs a rising price model. The price of the software increases according to the version. The most expensive version of this software costs $30 a month while the cheapest option costs $10!

Is Confluence Software a Solid Choice for you?

Figuring out whether a software is right for you is easy. The first thing you need to do is ask for a Confluence demo or trial. A demo or trial of the software will help you look at the software and its features firsthand so that you can decide there and then whether the software is right for you.

It is completely up to you on whether you think the software is right for you. You should only get the software for your work if you think it is right for your needs!

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