medicare insurance companies

Medical Insurance Companies- Fundamentals and Modifications

Medical insurance has become one of the most important aspects of American society. With medical costs rising every year, more people are looking into alternative sources that can help them pay for health care. This is where supplemental insurance comes in. Supplemental insurance adds more to your main medical insurance plan. The following information will provide a basic outline of the benefits of supplemental medicine plans available as well as some detail on Medicare Insurance Companies in 2021.

Benefits of Medicare Insurance Companies

Private medical insurance plans protect you financially in case of injury or illness. In general, insurance plans will cover a percentage of your medical expenses. Each plan varies as to what is covered and how much of the costs are paid. When you have health insurance, you can rest easy knowing that should an injury or illness occur, the financial burden won’t put you into debt or ruin your savings. Having a comprehensive plan can also protect you from losing everything if the medical bills become too much to handle.

Purchasing Supplemental Health Insurance

Supplemental health insurance is used in conjunction with your medical insurance to cover out-of-pocket payments that are not paid for by your primary plan. It also serves as another form of protection in case you are injured, become ill, or need additional care not covered by your medical insurance.

Supplemental health insurance is available for purchase, but it’s important to be aware of all that you are signing up for before making a final decision on which plan to purchase. Again, read the fine print carefully and familiarize yourself with the benefits and costs of each plan so that you can determine if supplemental insurance will be right for you.

Supplemental health insurance often covers the following:

  • deductibles 
  • copays 
  • coinsurance

Changes in Medicare 2021

Medicare could change for your parents, grandparents, siblings, and certain other family members. Here’s what you need to know about how it might affect them.

As of Jan. 1, 2021, Medicare Advantage plans will offer more services than they do today. These are health insurance plans that are approved by Medicare. Medicare Advantage plans offer medical and prescription drug coverage and typically offer extra benefits, such as free eyeglasses, hearing aids, and gym memberships. By 2021:

Facilities and Services

Services covered under Medicare Advantage will include vision, dental, and long-term support services (such as personal care or skilled nursing services).

Limited In-person Cash Transactions 

Out-of-pocket limits will be reduced. For example, enrollees may have to spend only $500 per year for deductibles, copayments and coinsurance combined. Today, some plans set an out-of-pocket limit as high as $6,700 per person. 


Medicare Advantage plans will tend to offer the same coverage as traditional Medicare, with some exceptions. The plans can’t charge you more than traditional Medicare would for certain benefits. 

Part A covers all medically necessary services provided in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), hospices, and certain home health visits. This time around medicare Part A  (hospital insurance) will no longer have deductibles for people who need inpatient care. Starting in 2021 plans C and F will no longer be sold as stand-alone policies. If you already have those two plans, you can keep them. But if you want a new plan, you’ll need to choose from the others on this list: Plans G, K, or N.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is medicare?

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people age 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and some groups of people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplant).

  1. What are Medicare parts A, B, C and D?

These are four separate medical insurance programs that together make up the Medicare program.

Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) helps pay for inpatient hospital care, inpatient care in a skilled nursing facility, some home health care and hospice care.

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers certain doctor’s services, outpatient hospital services, durable medical equipment like wheelchairs and walkers, and some other medical services that Part A does not cover. Most people with Medicare Part B pay a monthly premium for this protection.

Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) is sometimes known as “MA Plans.” These are health plans offered by private companies approved by Medicare that give you all your Part A and B benefits through one plan.

Medicare Part D (Pharmaceutical Insurance) helps with some of the cost of prescription medications. People on Medicare who choose to get their prescriptions filled through a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage drug plan must join the plan’s program in order to receive this coverage. In addition, some states offer additional coverage for some medications to people with Medicare through their state Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs (PAPs).

  1. How do I get medical insurance?

Many of the largest companies such as The Benefit Link will let you compare different insurance plans on their websites. You can contact them to provide you with more details about your options and their expertise, especially if you have any pre-existing conditions or health problems.

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