Methods to Generate Inbound Leads in Social Media Marketing

Inbound marketing is an indirect way to generate leads without reaching potential customers and pitch in the products or services. Inbound marketing highly depends on quality content, whether in posts, videos, or emails. However, the content landscape is getting highly competitive because of the enormous amount of quality content in Social Media, and brands can buy SMM Panel to optimize their strategy. The core aspect of Inbound marketing must be earning the trust of potential customers.


Lead Generation with Facebook

Facebook ads are budget-friendly when compared to other channels like AdWords. With paid ads, brands can gather more organic reach and enhance their inbound leads.


Promoted Posts

Facebook ads fulfill distinct goals of businesses. Promoted posts are an impactful form of Facebook advertising that emphasizes the content in the target audience’s newsfeed. It is wise for businesses to share a link to their blog post, instructional video, ebook, or other content that does not send users straight away to services or product landing pages.


With more information about their Facebook audience, businesses can personalize their future messaging to align with their interests, making it possible to convert as a lead in the future. With the effective content strategy and consistent visibility provided by promoted posts, brands gather leads from their Facebook Community.


Custom Tabs

Facebook enables businesses to create custom tabs on their page, make it a viable place for contact forms. The forms are an excellent way to gather leads on Facebook without driving the fans to an external site. In order to make the audiences focus on the custom tabs, businesses can add a link to the tabs when running paid ads or in their posts.


Twitter Ads

Before the launch of Twitter cards a lot of businesses were unaware of gathering leads through Twitter. But presently, Promoted Ads are given a little more priority in the platform’s stream.


Twitter Cards

Twitter launched its Lead Generation Twitter card. The lead generation card can be made impactful by gathering statistics and an eye-catching image and compelling copy.


Tracking brand mentions


Brands need to have some kind of social media marketing tool that helps to track the customer conversations without missing the opportunities. Some of the aspects that brands can track include common misspellings, mentions of the competitors, industry-related keywords, and mentions of the company name.


Hosting Events


Ask Me Anything and other trending events on Twitter are effective for generating leads. Businesses need to include some kind of call-to-action in each campaign. By hosting Twitter events relevant to the industry instead of directly mentioning the company, marketers offer free value to their target audience. Also, customers get more curious about the company and get converted into new leads.


Instagram Ads


Instagram has a highly engaged community with billions of users, and it is a viable platform for generating inbound leads. Hashtags are a predominantly channel for promoting on Instagram. Users can include relevant hashtags to their posts that become visible in searches. Since Instagram does not support URLs, businesses can include links in their Instagram photos. Brands can also write ‘Link in bio’ so the customers land on the required page.


The Instagram lead ads provide a clickable link embedded in the sponsored posts, enabling customers to land on the appropriate page. Instagram offers various ad types for businesses to promote their products. Whether they want the audience to visit the website, install an app, or generate leads, they can perform with Instagram ads.


LinkedIn Publishing


Inbound marketing includes fifty-four percent more leads to the brand’s channel than outbound tactics such as making sales calls and running ads. Content marketing is an effective technique that falls under the inbounds category. The Publishing platform in LinkedIn is best suitable for brands.


  • To express themselves as thought leaders.
  • Provide valuable information about the industry that is visible to the professionals.
  • Acquire potential leads for their business.


YouTube Video Content


YouTube is the second largest search engine globally, and businesses can leverage this vast platform to generate leads if they are capable of ranking for popular search terms appropriate to their field. With the Search suggest feature on YouTube, marketers can just type a word or phrase in the search bar and view the suggestions. These keywords are effective as they depend entirely on what people are searching for.


Analyzing popular videos relevant to the brand’s niche is an effective way to figure out keywords for YouTube, and then businesses can optimize their videos utilizing the exact keywords. It is better to look for a less competitive keyword, and brands can do that by typing in a keyword and exploring the number of search results. With more results, the keyword is highly competitive.


Google and Hangouts 


Brands can host a hangout aiming to exhibit their unique value to the audience and significantly express a human face behind their business. The type of hangouts that are effective for lead generation are:


  • Interviews with leaders and experts
  • Free Product Demos
  • Customer Service Sessions
  • Contests and Takeaways


Final Thoughts 


Social media offers tremendous opportunities for businesses to connect with potential leads. Businesses need to change their way of approaching social media. They must not use social media platforms just as tools for branding but to generate leads. It is also necessary that they turn their inbound leads into long-term customers and enhance the brands’ reliability.


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