Stay Ahead of the Curve Using SOAR for Advanced Threat Detection and Response

A SOAR solution provides improved threat context and advanced machine learning functionality to reduce both mean times to detect (MTTD) and mean time to respond (MTTR). This is made possible by lowering alerts and responding automatically through automated playbooks.

Before rushing to automate, however, make sure that you map out your current procedures. Not all processes are candidates for automation, and the evilest threats still require the hands-on critical thinking that only humans can deliver.

Detect Threats in Real-Time

Cyber threats are evolving and getting more complex. It would help to have advanced protection (ATP) tools to detect and stop attacks in real-time. ATP can prevent bot attacks, detect zero-day attacks, and recognize distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. It can also detect anomalies and lateral movement in your organization’s network, so you can quickly respond to threats.

To detect these attacks, you need threat intelligence. Threat intelligence is evidence-based knowledge about existing and emerging threats and hazards to your assets. Threat intelligence solutions enable SOCs to cut through the noise of endless alerts by identifying and prioritizing incidents, crafting incident response plans for unknown attack patterns, and minimizing operations costs with automated security tools.

Often, a SOAR platform integrates several security technologies, such as SIEM, multiple detection and response systems, and machine learning, into a single solution to automate and streamline incident response workflows. A SOAR platform may also ingest source data for correlation and provide security teams with visibility into their infrastructure, devices, and applications. In addition, some media use machine learning and advanced analytics to help identify and prioritize incidents based on risk. These capabilities make the definition of SOAR broader than traditional incident response solutions. It also includes a centralized management dashboard that can facilitate collaboration across teams and empower the individuals who need to take action.

Respond Faster

The more information an organization has, the faster it can respond to threats in real-time. SOAR security tools enables organizations to automate incident response, providing a unified defense strategy across all endpoints and network infrastructure. For example, if malware is detected on one device, a SOAR platform will automatically scan other devices in the same network to mitigate risks and reduce the impact of an attack.

SOAR can also reduce response time by reducing manual intervention and enabling better collaboration. For example, SOAR solutions automate routine tasks like log analysis and incident reporting and provide a single interface for security teams to manage all their investigations. This frees time to concentrate on other essential duties and strengthen the organization’s security posture.

SOAR also helps to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities by analyzing data from multiple sources, identifying patterns that may indicate malicious activity, and comparing these to known threats. This ensures that resources are effectively allocated toward addressing critical vulnerabilities first.

With the increasing computing power available, SOAR platforms can now analyze large volumes of data to identify negative patterns and anomalies. For example, SOAR platforms can detect the use of compromised credentials and flag this to alert IT personnel or cybersecurity analysts to investigate. SOAR can also be used to conduct user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) to identify potential indicators of compromise in the form of deviations from normal user behavior.

Detect New Threats

Organizations must avoid cyber threats or face a potential business disaster in today’s increasingly digital landscape. Finding and promptly responding to new and emerging threats to your security is essential for staying ahead of the curve. In this situation, proactive threat hunting enables security teams to look for indications of malicious activity that may have eluded initial endpoint detection and response tools.

This can be achieved through various methods, including reviewing alerts and investigating suspicious behavior that a traditional endpoint detection and response solution may have missed. However, advanced attacks, such as fileless malware, can sometimes go undetected by standard tools, needing a detailed study of cyber threats specific systems.

This is where a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service with proactive threat-hunting capabilities can help. MDR platforms use Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) to automate repetitive tasks and streamline threat detection and response processes, improving scalability and agility and reducing response time. They also provide advanced analytics, UEBA, and CASB capabilities to detect threats at the beginning of their lifecycle, providing the best possible chances for a successful outcome.

Prevent Incidents

Cyber threats are constantly evolving and changing. This makes it difficult for traditional security teams to keep up with them. To prevent incidents, it’s essential to have an effective team of trained professionals and a robust managed detection and response solution to help you stay ahead of the curve.

The most common types of cyber attacks include ransomware, where endpoint or server files are encrypted, and a ransom is demanded to be decrypted; DDoS attacks, which flood servers or networks with fake traffic to cause service outages; and misconfiguration, in which sensitive information is exposed due to incorrect settings. Additionally, cybercriminals are constantly developing new techniques for stealing data and other malicious activities, such as mining cryptocurrency or downloading millions of people’s personally identifiable information (PII).

Proactive Threat Hunting is proactively searching for indicators of compromise (IOCs) to detect threats that have already infiltrated your systems. Using a threat-hunting framework and automated tools can speed up the investigation process and allow analysts to identify IOCs in less time.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your cybersecurity and prevent it from damaging your business, consider a SOC as a Service solution from an established security partner that offers a comprehensive managed detection and response system without the expense of building a centralized security team in-house. SOC as a Service will help you to stay ahead of the curve and protect your valuable assets while maintaining compliance with industry standards.

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