Impact of cloud Technology on Entrepreneurship

Technology provides entrepreneurs with tools to perform complex tasks easily. Cloud is one such tool. It has become an indispensable part of professional life. Recent studies show that cloud is the most demanded solution for a company’s online operations. There is a large amount of data that needs to be stored even as companies expand. 

Moreover, to some companies, big data shouldn’t be available to outsiders including suppliers. Due to this growing need, entrepreneurs need to familiarize themselves with data analytics tools in order to extract insights from it. Normally, cloud is only mentioned when it comes to saving files and parsing data though much more is achieved through cloud technology. Here are ways in which the cloud has impacted entrepreneurship.

  1. Cost Saving and Cost Reduction

Having a centralized storage system allows you to access any piece of information from any location in the world. Just imagine. If you want to build a behemoth; an online retail behemoth, you can easily get information about already established online retailers such as Alibaba. Decision making becomes very easy as all the factors to consider are easily evaluated. What is the impact of faster decision making to a business? Now as an entrepreneur, faster decision making allows you to embark on the project fully. Moreover, fewer resources are used while finding the required data in the decision making process. Time is the most precious commodity for any venture. While saving costs, cloud allows you to enhance productivity time. It also enables analysis and storage of data including traffic received as a result of online marketing strategies. Buy Spotify followers too and try evaluating the traffic. This is the future of entrepreneurship.

  1. Improvement of entrepreneurial operations

Growth is ubiquitous. As companies grow, their need to store also increases. You don’t want to remain in the past where servers were bought and allocation of server space was the only solution. You want to embrace modern solutions such as cloud computing. 

There are several cloud service providers such as AWS and Microsoft Azure which increases your storage capacity. Moreover, cloud only chargers as per the server space used and time spent. Through this, entrepreneurs can easily store business data because let’s face it. As a starting entrepreneur, you are everything for the business; CEO, secretary and manager. You might find yourself having business details and your own details in one account. With this, tracking profit over a certain duration becomes a nightmare. Let’s go the cloud way.

  1. It enhances security to the stored data

Cloud is the answer to all data security demands. Data breaches exist; left and right. We live in times when the time of accessing information is more important than the information itself. A visionary entrepreneur is able to connect the dots just with a glimpse of what he’s searching for. Take the case of Xerox and Apple. With just a glimpse of Xerox software, Steve Jobs was able to develop Graphical User Interface which is the cornerstone in computers. Comparison between online servers and on site servers shows that cloud is far much better. More than configuring services to meet the company’s needs, cloud makes software more secure while providing other tools for making the data even safer. Data is stored in a centralized storage location .This is protected by ironclad security tools indicating maximum protection for online data

  1. Enhanced flexibility

To employees who adopt cloud computing, there is a lot of flexibility. Firms having employees all over the world can easily access customer data which was not possible initially due to restrictions brought by locations. Using hard copies of data is history. Cloud has rendered them redundant by providing easier storage regardless of the location.

  1. Deal with customers effectively.

Success of a company is pegged on a solid customer base. Cloud provides a variety of customer oriented apps that personalize interactions with customers. Marketers are always encouraged to sell an experience. With the cloud, employees are able to get access to the customer experience. With this, entrepreneurs can align their goals with the next course of action. This is enhanced by the use of a mobile app which allows easy connection of employees with the customers.

Do you want to make your data more secure; the big data. Do you want efficient access of customer based information by employees from any location? Reduction of production is an objective of every business. Start using cloud computing today!

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