The Ultimate Guide to Traveling for Work

Traveling for work has become a constant in the industry. Various companies send their employees to new locations. Their aim is for them to track the progress of the business. And the employee may be expected to make different business deals. 

If you travel for business, you may find it overwhelming at times. In this article, we provide a guide on how to adjust well. 

Below is a brief yet ultimate guide on making traveling for work ideal for you. 

  1. Know Your Company’s Business Travel Policy

When planning to travel, it is wise to know how your company operates. Corporate traveling is different for every company. So, you should know how your company handles it. 

The travel manager in your company will likely outline the procedures you need to follow. Furthermore, they may have you sign some paperwork outlining your responsibilities and the company’s expecations. 

There are company procedures that you should become well-versed in when you travel. For example, during your trips, you’ll be expected to keep track of your expenses. So keep a tally of everything you spend to get reimbursed. 

  1. Carry Healthy Snacks & Eat Healthy Foods

When traveling for work, people are typically in a hurry. Unfortunately, if you’re in a rush, you may grab a snack that isn’t healthy. 

Instead of eating chips and candy bars, opt for healthy snacks. Nuts and apples are two examples of a healthy snacks.

Besides healthy snacks, you should be eating nutritious meals as well. Plan enough time before a meeting to grab a banana or sandwich on whole grain bread, for example. 

Having a balanced, healthy snack and meals will help you maintain optimal brain power. This is vital when you’re meeting with other business professionals to make a deal. 

  1. Don’t Forget to Pack the Essentials 

There are always essentials you shouldn’t forget to bring with you. Although it’s unlikely you may get sick, it wouldn’t hurt to bring a few OTC medications with you. For example, NSAIDs like Advil can help if you get a headache before an important meeting. 

Other essentials include wearing the proper clothing (more on this next) and bringing all your toiletries. You don’t want to arrive at your destination realizing you forgot your deodorant and toothbrush! Both are important when communicating with other business professionals. 

  1. Bring Business and Casual Clothing

When traveling for business, it is vital to have the appropriate attire. In the same manner, you may have some fun after work. So, if you take time away to go on a few adventures, make sure you also have casual attire. 

Also, keep the climate of the place you visit in mind. If it’s humid, for example, you may opt for clothing that’ll keep you more comfortable. 

  1. Keep Security Checks in Mind

When packing, place items you’ll need to remove during a security check in an easily accessible place. Finding out a liquid is in your suitcase wastes time. Security has to find it and then your suitcase through security again. So, double check to make sure nothing sneaks into your suitcase that security may need to pull out. 

  1. Make Sure Your Electronic Devices Are Fully Charged 

Before leaving for the trip, you should ensure your electronic devices are fully charged. 

If you arrive at a work-related assignment and your phone is dying, that’s not a good scenario. You could have some work notes on there that you need to access. If your phone is dead, you won’t be able to read them before the meeting! 

So, ensure your phone, laptop, and other electronics are fully charged before leaving. 

  1. Check-in on Time at the Airport 

Checking in before your flight and getting to the airport on time is vital. Sometimes things are out of your control, such as running into traffic due to a car accident. Regardless, do your best to arrive at the airport plenty of time before your flight. 

Rushing around results in stress when you may already be worried about your travels. Checking in plenty of time before your trip ensures everything runs smoothly. 

  1. Wine and Dine Business Associates 

Taking employees for drinks and dinner is one of the best parts of business travel. This can be a crucial moment in strengthening the working relationship.

Find out where they prefer to eat. Paying attention to their needs will help you score brownie points. Remember, the more positive the interaction, the more likely you’ll form a long-lasting relationship! 

  1. Figure Out Corporate Housing 

Depending on the length of your trip, you may need temporary housing. If that’s the case, find out if your company will arrange it. If they don’t, you’ll need to find accommodations on your own. 

Finding housing can be time-consuming, to say the least. Likely, you don’t have time to secure a house or apartment. Involving a corporate housing company can take the stress out of temporary housing. 

For example, using Seattle corporate housing is ideal if you have an upcoming business trip to Seattle. Working with a corporate housing company saves you the trouble of finding a place to stay. They can secure an apartment or home with all the amenities based on your needs. 


Traveling for work is packed full of benefits. You get to improve your career, meet new people, and make time for fun! This guide will help you as you travel to new destinations. In addition to keeping this guide on hand, continue to look for ways to make your travels more smooth. Pretty soon, you’ll be a skilled business traveler every step of the way!

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