Using CBD Oil for Hair Loss: Does It Really Work?

CBD gummies

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally-occurring cannabinoid in cannabis touted for its numerous health benefits. The compound is widely marketed for its potential for pain management.

Some research indicates that CBD-based products like cannabidiol oil might also treat inflammation, anxiety, nausea, muscle spasticity, and insomnia. You’ll also encounter publications claiming that CBD oil may help with hair loss.

But how effective is cannabidiol oil in treating and preventing hair loss? How to find the best CBD gummies? Let’s discover.

What Is Hair Loss?

It’s normal to shed anywhere between 50 and 100 hairs every day. But when you lose more than 100 hairs a day, the phenomenon could be triggered by a more severe problem.

Hair loss typically occurs when hair falls from a localized spot or throughout your scalp, but new hair doesn’t grow fast enough to replace the lost hair.

Besides the scalp, hair loss can occur in virtually any part of your body, including the inside of your nose, ear, eyebrows, and eyelashes.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Most instances of hair loss result from a genetic predisposition. If you have a family with a history of hair loss, there’s a decent chance that you may also experience the problem at some point in your life.

Hereditary hair loss is medically known as alopecia. There are three main types of alopecia, namely;

  • Alopecia Areata (AA) – An autoimmune disease whereby the body’s immune system turns on the hair follicles, causing hair loss.
  • Alopecia Totalis (AT) – An advanced form of alopecia areata where hair falls throughout the scalp.
  • Alopecia Universalis (AU) – A condition marked by hair loss throughout the scalp and body.

In addition to genetics, the following are other significant causes of hair loss;

  • Endocrine imbalance, such as during childbirth and menopause
  • Physical or emotional trauma
  • Certain medical conditions
  • Certain medications

Common Treatments for Hair Loss and the Role of CBD Oil

Hereditary hair loss is unavoidable. Most interventions seek to stimulate hair growth to replace fallen hair. Below are some of the conventional treatments for alopecia;

  • Adding zinc and iron to your diet, as a deficiency in these minerals has been shown to escalate hair loss
  • Managing stress levels
  • Eating a balanced diet, particularly high-protein foods and diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Hair shampoos and detergents formulated with anti-alopecic compounds, such as ketoconazole shampoo (also known as Nizoral)
  • Certain medications, such as minoxidil (Rogaine), spironolactone pills, topical tretinoin

While many conventional hair loss treatments are reasonably effective, it’s emerging that cannabidiol oil may also help to address the condition. All you have to do is invest in high-quality CBD oil and apply the oil as recommended by your dermatologist.

One way cannabidiol oil may combat hair loss is by re-stabilizing endocrine imbalance. Research has shown that CBD oil can restore normal cortisol levels in the body, thereby inhibiting the adverse effects of this hormone. Cannabidiol oil has also demonstrated positive interactions with serotonin and other bliss neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and anandamide. Due to its ability to regulate the levels of many hormones, it’s logical to infer that CBD oil may reverse endocrine imbalance, thereby treating alopecia resulting from hormonal issues.

CBD oil can also treat hair loss by protecting the scalp from various chronic diseases that could result in alopecia. Like other cannabinoids in marijuana, cannabidiol boasts numerous antioxidant properties. According to research, CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can prevent hydroperoxide-induced oxidative damage nearly as effectively as other powerful antioxidants. Tetrahydrocannabinol is another famous cannabinoid whose medicinal properties are well-documented. Thanks to the antioxidant potential of CBD oil, supplementing with the compound might help reduce oxidative damage to hair follicles. That may subsequently slow down the rate of alopecia.

Some studies also suggest cannabidiol oil may promote hair regrowth following hair loss. Besides being chockfull of antioxidants, CBD oil also contains several non-cannabinoid compounds that support healthy hair growth. They include essential oils like coconut oil, MCT oil, olive oil, hemp oil, etc. These essential oils work synergistically with cannabidiol to promote hair regrowth and prevent hair from falling off in the first place. According to a 2021 study, people who applied CBD oil to their scalp and hair for six months registered impressive hair regrowth. Findings from these studies also found that CBD could reduce anxiety while promoting better sleep.


How to Apply CBD Oil for Hair Loss

There are numerous ways to consume cannabidiol oil. Standard delivery methods include;

  • Smoking dried hemp extracts
  • Vaping CBD vape juice
  • Consuming CBD-infused edibles like baked goods, gummies, and beverage drinks
  • Administering CBD tinctures sublingually
  • Applying CBD-enriched products like shampoos, salves, and ointments

Whichever way you consume cannabidiol oil, you can benefit from the compound’s therapeutic properties. But when it comes to CBD for hair loss, you’re better off with topicals like shampoos.

Begin by shopping for high-quality cannabidiol goods. Ideally, these products are formulated with organically-grown hemp and extracted using safe methods like Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction. The products must also have undergone rigorous testing by independent laboratories and confirmed safe and potent.

Next, apply the CBD oil to your scalp or another affected area with strict adherence to recommendations from your dermatologist.


Cannabidiol oil may not magic alopecia away. But if applied properly, the oil can effectively address various underlying causes of hair loss while stimulating hair regrowth.


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