Body Skin

How does Facial Skin Differ From Body Skin?

There is undoubtedly a substantial difference in the amount of money spent on items for your face versus those for your body.

The skin on our bodies provides protection from the elements, and it acts as a barrier against environmental stresses such as pollution and germs and protects us from water loss. It also serves as a flexible covering for our key organs and is important in controlling our body temperature.

Our body skin may appear similar to the skin on our face, but it differs in several ways and, as a result, requires special care.

Differences Between Face and Body Skin

Skin Thickness

The skin on our faces is thinner than the skin on our bodies. Of course, this varies depending on the part of the body, but in general, the fat layer beneath the skin on the body is thicker than on the face. Another distinguishing feature is that some regions of our bodies, such as the palms and soles of our feet, have an extra layer of the epidermis (the top layer of skin) that covers them. This extra layer allows for greater durability and stretches in these regions.

Skin Cell Turnover Rate

The skin on the body has a naturally occurring slower skin cell turnover rate, which typically results in drier, thicker, and scalier skin. Because it takes longer to replace old skin cells with new ones, dead cells can linger on your body for longer, making it appear dry, dull, and even flaky.


Dryness is more of an issue because the skin on the body has fewer oil-producing sebaceous glands than the skin on the face, with the largest concentration in our t-zone.

The Number of Oil Glands

Because your face has more oil glands than the rest of your body, it is oilier and shinier. Oil is created on the face to moisturize the skin and fight off infection – the oil contains antibacterial characteristics that protect and help cure the skin. Over-cleansing your face can deplete your skin’s natural oils, preventing it from working effectively. To compensate for the dry atmosphere, it may also lead your skin to create extra oil.

How Does Aging Affect Both Skins?

Aside from often exposed parts such as the arms and hands, the skin on our bodies has superior UV protection since we usually cover it up. Because sun exposure is one of the key causes of skin aging, the pace of extrinsic or external aging in covered areas will be substantially lower.

Age-related changes to the skin on the body are similar to those on the face in that they might include thinning, sagging, wrinkling, and the emergence of age spots in places regularly exposed to the sun. Broken blood vessels and dry skin, as well as skin health concerns such as skin cancer, become more common as we age and appear on our body’s skin.

Exfoliation of the Skin

Our skin sheds dead cells daily. This process occurs naturally in young, healthy skin every 30 days and promotes fresh new cells to force their way to the skin’s surface. These new cells are plump and smooth, and they transform the appearance of the skin, giving it more radiance.

The skin on the torso, on the other hand, sheds more slowly than the skin on the face. As we age, this process slows even further, and dead skin cell build-up accumulates on the skin’s top layer. This buildup of dead cells can cause the skin to seem dull.

Exfoliating dead skin cell build-up from the skin’s outer layer to speed up or replicate the skin’s natural shedding process helps expose fresher, smoother skin beneath. Exfoliation regularly can also help products enter the skin more evenly and effectively, promoting the creation of important proteins that compose the skin’s supporting layer, such as skin-plumping collagen.

Taking Care of Your Skin

Because your body skin is thicker and drier than your facial skin, the main aim of a body lotion is to moisturize, and it can be too oily for your face at times. Using it on your skin may result in clogged pores and an oily complexion.

While your face requires hydration, it also requires meticulous care due to its delicate nature. Sensitivity, acne, blemish control, anti-aging, elasticity improvement, and other disorders are all addressed by face creams. These skin care advantages are offered via active and non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) ingredients in lightweight formulations, such as the Revive Moisturiser, a day and night cream formulated from hand-selected, natural plant ingredients to protect and restore weakened, sensitized, or aged skin.

Although both a face cream and a body cream include the same fundamental ingredients, the combination of active chemicals makes a face cream more beneficial and more expensive than a typical body cream.

Suppose you have eczema, acne, or pigmentation on your body. In that case, you can apply a body treatment with a high concentration of active ingredients, such as the African Potato Cream, a herbal skin healing cream with effective, natural anti-inflammatory effects. Because the body is less sensitive than the face, these therapy products can be filled with actives to affect the problem skin profoundly. This may cause your body treatment to be more expensive than your face moisturizer, and it may also be too strong to use on the face in some cases.

It would be ideal if you could use a “one-size-fits-all” remedy for all of your skin, but these are difficult to come by. You now understand why.

Book an appointment now to answer all your queries. You can book an appointment with the top Dermatologists in Islamabad through Marham by calling the Marham helpline: 0311-1222398 or by online booking facility through the website or Marham mobile app.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1- How is skin on the face different from the body?

Though skin thickness varies, the skin on your face is much thinner than the skin on your body, and your face has a thinner layer of fat under the skin. The skin around your eyes and eyelids is the thinnest and most sensitive, so treat it with care.

2- Is the skin on your body the same?

Your skin’s thickness, color, and texture vary throughout your body. For example, your head has the most hair follicles. But your feet have none. Also, the skin of your feet and hands is thicker than other parts of your body.

3- What makes my face darker than the rest of my body?

Our face skin produces more melanin than the rest of our body, and thus it is darker. The sun’s damaging rays can damage melanin cells, and the face is the most vulnerable.

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