Kubernetes Roles and Responsibilities 


Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating container operations. It’s a tool that helps companies deploy and manage applications. Kubernetes can be used in production environments, as well as development and testing environments. Before you run your application on Kubernetes, it’s important to know what roles will be needed within your company to make sure things run smoothly.

Kubernetes training modules include:

The Kubernetes training modules are designed to give you a wide range of skills in this area. They include:

  • The basics: This module covers the fundamental concepts behind Kubernetes, such as how it compares with other platforms and what its strengths and weaknesses are.
  • Cluster administration: This module focuses on the day-to-day activities required to manage your clusters—for example, creating or updating resources such as pods and services. You’ll also learn about scheduling workloads across multiple clusters, managing persistent storage for containers, and rolling back changes if needed.

Kubernetes Training will help you get a better understanding of the platform.

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform originally created by Google and now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

The goal of Kubernetes is to provide a platform for running containerized applications in a cluster, providing basic functions such as infrastructure management, scheduling, service discovery, and load balancing.

Everyone in a company needs to know how to deploy their applications to Kubernetes.

It’s important for everyone to have some level of Kubernetes knowledge. Most companies have a small group of people who know how to deploy their applications to Kubernetes, but there are many more that need to know how to manage the cluster and monitor it. You should also expect them to understand how troubleshooting and upgrading work. In addition, they must understand how add-ons work in your cluster because this will help them be more efficient with their daily tasks and responsibilities.

In most cases, the team that runs the cluster is responsible for making sure backups, monitoring and alerting, security, and other things are handled. This is one of the responsibilities a DevOps engineer may have when working with Kubernetes. Additionally, development teams can also help with monitoring or even running periodic backup jobs themselves on their own servers.

Performance and Scalability

Remember, Kubernetes is a distributed system. It’s highly available and scalable.

But what does this mean in terms of performance?

Well, for one thing, it means that a higher number of containers can be deployed on the same cluster without affecting their performance significantly. Secondly, you don’t have to worry about the infrastructure being able to handle these large numbers because Kubernetes has been designed with this in mind.

The Basics

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool that uses a system of pods, services, and replica sets. A pod is a group of containers that run on the same host. A service is used to provide external access to selected pods by way of a logical abstraction known as an IP address.

In contrast to Docker, which focuses on managing individual containers, Kubernetes manages sets of containers or groups of machines as a cluster to ensure that they can run together in harmony. It also schedules workloads across multiple hosts in the cluster using resource requirements such as CPU and memory demands so they can be fulfilled efficiently without contention from other applications running on any given host inside your environment

Many companies have a dedicated cloud operations team that is responsible for this

  • The cloud operations team is responsible for the infrastructure, the cluster and the cluster’s health.
  • The cloud operations team is also responsible for monitoring and alerting.
  • The cloud operations team is also responsible for backups, security and lifecycle management.

Someone will be responsible for upgrading the cluster.

A person or team will be responsible for upgrading the cluster. As Kubernetes matures and evolves, new features that improve security, performance, and functionality are added. If you’re using a rolling upgrade, then upgrades are automated in such a way that new versions can be introduced without downtime (i.e., you upgrade one pod at a time). Some of these updates include adding support for multi-tenancy or security enhancements like RBAC (role-based access control).

If your organization doesn’t have the resources available to upgrade your cluster on-demand or there isn’t enough of an ROI to justify it financially, then consider working with a cloud provider like Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or Amazon Web Services (AWS) that offers managed Kubernetes services where they’ll help automate the process for you.

Someone will be responsible for installing add-ons like the dashboard, Istio or Prometheus.

If you’re responsible for setting up Kubernetes, then you’ll want to be sure your cluster is configured with the following add-ons:

  • The dashboard. This is a web interface that provides information about your cluster and how it’s doing. It also allows you to do things like scale up or down pods, configure load balancing, and troubleshoot problems. Typically, this is installed by whoever runs the Kubernetes cluster—but not always! You may decide that only certain people or teams should have access to certain features of the dashboard (like viewing logs), so in some cases, installing the dashboard could fall under another role’s responsibilities.
  • Is add-on (if applicable). If you’re using Istio, then someone will be responsible for managing it in production alongside Kubectl commands. The best way we’ve found so far is to assign one person per team who can use kubectl apply -f filename command on their own laptop; this allows them all access but doesn’t require anyone else’s involvement unless something goes wrong during installation/configuration time.[4] With any luck, this won’t happen often enough to cause much trouble when it does happen though — usually just wait until next week when our next post comes out!

Different teams may have different responsibilities when it comes to running Kubernetes.

Teams can have different responsibilities when it comes to running Kubernetes. The team responsible for deploying applications to Kubernetes are the one who need to know how to do that. If you’re on a team that’s responsible for running Kubernetes, then you’d be responsible for making sure backups, monitoring and alerting, security, and other things are handled as well.


As you can see, there are several different roles and responsibilities that go into running Kubernetes. It’s important to understand who is responsible for what so that everyone knows what they need to do.

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